Sassy, perhaps breaking up with him will be the thing that brings you together in the end. You cannot say that for sure, now, because you don't know the future. Do what you feel is right now. If he is not treating you right, then maybe you need to end it, and let it go. If it is of God, he may bring it back together in the future.Prophetic Dreams of getting married..?? need advice...?
God bless you, too. Take care.
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Keep praying...have you confessed this to your friend?
Maybe you and him need to seperate for a while, that might be part of the plan. I met my wife when i was 26, didn't see each other for years. We met again when i was 32, dated, broke up for a while, and got married two years later - that was ten years ago - and still happy and in love (with each other) Good luck.
yes he speaks to me often in dreams, Fast and pray that he give you wisdom on this, maybe he was trying to warn you, BUT fast and pray Hun.
Okay, if God was going to give you a ';prophetic'; dream why would he bother with something as stupid as relationships and marriage?
You are confusing ';dream'; with ';reality';.
There is no god.
That's reality.
Whats to say the dream is from God? If you believe strongly that it is from God talk to your pastor about it. Sometimes dreams are meer anaysis of current surroundings and conditions and show true emotions better than you can tell in the concious mind. Hope this helps
The God gave prophetic dreams very few times in the bible and all were according and for His purpose. I can't see why to give you a dream for your relationship. Maybe you have to search in different reason for your dream, than God.
Keep praying and ask God about the relationship more. If you are walking with the Lord he will give you direction. But if there are problems with this one, better pray more.
Life will never be filled without problems, no matter if he is the perfect man of your dreams. If what you say is true about your dream and the relationship you are in, he may be your greatest challenge, something you need to work on. Happily ever after does not happen by takes an effort.
Perhaps you will get back together at some point down the road. Or maybe the dream only meant that it would be a significant relationship. I don't know what causes it, but I know from personal experience that dreams sometimes do predict future events. Just do what feels right though; don't base your actions on a dream from a year ago. At the time you dreamt it, things might have been in line for you two to eventually get married. Things might have changed since then.
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