Thursday, August 19, 2010

I am going to get married.any advice?

Umm....dont trip, dont drop the ring, dont pass out, dont say 'I object!!!', don't pull at a wedgie in front of everyone, dont miss when you kiss the bride, dont get the veil thingy on her head all tangeled when you flip it over, dont fart on stage, dont make some ugly frowny face when you smell the rancid stench of your fart, dont miss when you feed the wife the cake and accidentally smear it all over her face, dont blink at all because people will be taking pictures, dont let that freaky cowlick stick out of your hair, dont get a divorce a few days later, dont get a flower stuck in your mouth and choke on it, dont drink so much that you cant remember who your wife is, and dont get constipated right before the wedding so you hold up the whole thingI am going to get married.any advice?
congratulations. never go to bed at night angry. and never go to work without telling her '; I love you. '; My mother always gave my dad a goodbye kiss and told him '; I love you. '; before he left for work especially when he was a police officer during the gangster period as She never knew if She would see him come home.I am going to get married.any advice?
be sure to take a video camera along to doccument the historic day,keep a sunny disposition, make sure you ask your parents/relatives blessings for a happy future.
What kind of advice are you looking for? Wedding details, marriage tips, how to put up with your in-laws, where to go on a honeymoon? It's hard to answer your question without knowing just what you're asking. There are BOOKS on many different aspects of marriage that you could read. Give us more details if you want a quick answer.
be open, be honest

take care of each other

and enjoy everyday together

goodluck dude!!hope that your relationship will be strong and be forever...congatulations!!
good luck. make the most of it if only for a short time. lucky are those married couples who last for 10 years
Remove yourself from this planet.
NO. Because you asked if you are going to get married on Yahoo Answers.
good luck

congratulations in adavnce....

just don't be late on your wedding day and keep your bride, family and guests waiting...ok?
Don't. Getting married is like saying you hate having sex with woman.
I hope this is someone you love and have decided you want to spend your life with. Marriage is something that is long term and a wonderful commitment if you are truly dedicated.
share every thing including underwear.
Stay engaged for at least a year so that you can save up your money and make sure that it the right girl for you.
one of you had better be good at finance management and the other good at making money!
Prenup. It protects you both. Even if it's just to say everything gets split 50/50 and pets go to person a.
Never lie to your wife %26amp; always try to see the humor in everything - that doesn't mean to laugh when things go awry, but to remember that things aren't as bad as they CAN BE.

Things happen for a reason so you can't get hung up on when things don't go the way you expected them to, just see that the alternatives may be better in the long run.
don't it's too expensive to get a divorce..
brace will hit you the form of nagging...
Tell her you love her every single day. Even when you're pissed at her, or vice versa.
r u sure?
sorry to hear that man

good luck

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