First at all.......I should say.....Ok..if you want to get married, do it, but think well b4 doing it bcoz I'll not work for you and ur wife. If you are adult enough to get marry, then be adult enough to support a house, a wife, and the kids that can come. Asume ur responsibilities.
Marriage isnt a joke, and things arent easy.
If after that, he still thinks to get marry, then I'll bless him and then PRAY for things to be fine.
Thx to God, that was not my sons are already adults, but arent in a hurry to get marry..what isnt good either.
All the extremes are bad !!!!!!!If your 18 yr old son came to you and said that he wanted to get married, what would be ur advice?
get a job and find out if you can afford her!If your 18 yr old son came to you and said that he wanted to get married, what would be ur advice?
I would think it was a joke.
My sons and daughter know that education comes before marriage......18 is still too young to commit to a lifetime of taking care of someone else and yourself.
I've seen it many, many times, and sadly after a year or so, these young folks get bored with each other, but they are stuck for life, because there are no grounds for divorce scriptually except adultery.
So my advice would be: give yourself time, don't rush into something that you might live to regret.
well first I would know if my son was dating someone because I would have a strict rule no dating until he is ready for marriage... I would go over the facts... has he finished school? Does he have a job where he can support a wife? Is he emotionaly mature enough to handle a wife and possible a child since this could happen after marriage. Most likely the answers will be no and he and I would reason on these facts. I am sure if I raise him right he will know what to do :)
I'd beg him not to and give him many examples as to why he shouldnt being as though he's so young.
No No No
If you're Lebanese like I am it's custom that you meet whoever he wants to marry before he proposes to her. He is young and can't be sure whether or not he truly loves her. Part of that decision should be up to you.
The customs are probably different in Lebanon. When my 18 year old son got married, he let me know a few days after it happened. He was in the Navy at the time, and didn't need my permission. It lasted less than a year, because she ran off with another guy while he was at sea on an aircraft carrier, taking everything they owned.
All you can tell them at that age is, I'll be here whenever you need me, and I wish you better luck than I had.
It depends. Has he graduated from High School? Does he have a job? Does he have his own place to live? How long has he been dating this girl? Is she of legal age? Is she pregnant? Has she graduated from High School? Does she have a job?
You mean like both our daughters did ? lol
I guess it depends on the individuals but our world says let them live together , that's okay but don't encourage them to commit in marriage.
I thank God that our girls firstly chose Godly men ....then that they chose to honour God by getting married , no matter how young , %26amp; to put God first in their marriages !
Our sons , well that's a different story....
I guess , as far as your question is concerned , it all gets down to the level of commitment , the individuals %26amp; their level of maturity %26amp; their personal circumstances. I would not recommend it as a first option but I think it would be unfair to try to block them just because of my own feelings .
Anyway , over here they don't need our permission ...they are considered adults at 18 %26amp; would only be seeking our blessing !
Make a deal with him. Tell him you'll pay for the wedding AND the honeymoon 100%, if he will just wait until he is 25 (same girl). If he loves her, and she loves him they can wait, save their money for a house, etc. Chances are, they won't make it and you will have saved him a huge mistake...and lots of divorce money...but, if they are really meant to be, then you will be proud and so will they of a day in the future after they are more financially sound, emotionally involved and mature enough to make that lifelong decision.
Well, if my son HAD said this to me--I would have fainted dead. Seriously. Then--for MY son--he would not have done this--he was not mature enough--and he knew this. So I guess I am a poor one to give advice--but I would hope he is mature enough to talk logically so would try to talk to logically. Good Luck--if this is happening to you.
its different with a guy than girl
he has to be educated and financially secure and mature first
i would tell him to make sure he really knows this girl and that marriage is like a contract it is legally binding til death do you part. that is a long time.
I would tell him to be patient, and encourage him not to rush into things so soon. But don't press the issue to much because of the Romeo and Juliet effect. Sometimes people make the wrong choices because every one is against their decisions.
Say no freakin' way. That's too young. Wait until he's at least twenty-five.
Yes you can get married when you are 21 and when you are ready
I'd say to do in life what you feel you should do, and not listen to those who'd prefer that he wait until age 58, and wind up being as unhappy as them.
That is, of course, if he's a level headed kid.
He's 18 and that is his decision. However, I would ask him why he wanted to get married so young.
let me tell u abt Josh and Lilly
They were in high school, loved each other, and on the same year, they got married without their parents blessing, so they had to work for their teachre (moan the grass, clean the house...) to earn a room and a little money to spend on daily needs. soup was their meal everday, they werent able to hangout coz they had no money, they lived sadly, they werent able to buy clothes or anything..and they knew that things are NOT going to be alright. so if ur son wants to get married at 18, I BEG U (although i dont know u), do not allow him, he'll live miserably ever after, its a lifetime commitment. its the biggest responsibilty, its not a take it or leave it choice. He's young, and still not on the straight road. Never accept, try to do everything to stop him, i was just reading some examples on this topic in the Marriage and Divorce section..
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