Thursday, August 19, 2010

IHey now!! Im getting married, any advice for a longlasting marriage??

My new fiance and i are getting married in '09, we have three children, any advice from anyone whos been happily married for more than 5-10 years and still going strong, i want to be w/ my husband forever and i want my children to always have a mother and a father raise them, i know there will be problems sometimes but how can we work it out in a way where we will still love each other and move on?? serious answers only!!IHey now!! Im getting married, any advice for a longlasting marriage??
learn to listen all the time

learn not to say anything sometimes

and good sex every timeIHey now!! Im getting married, any advice for a longlasting marriage??
Keep unmarried, miserable and jealous people out of your relationship and never take their advice, especially if they don't support your unity. I've been married for almost 12 years, and my wife and I have had our share of ups and downs. Good communication is key. Connect with other committed couples.Prayer is important to keep a marriage strong. Seek wise counsel on a regular basis in order to strengthen your marriage; don't wait for even the the smallest problem to ensue. This will make it so that neither of you become complacent and take one another for granted. God bless you and your fiance.
stay off each others backs. Accept each other as not perfect. Play alot. Avoid drama. Avoid money issues. Dont avoid sex. Dont spend too much time together. should be easy
Communication, open and honest, between the two of you as much as possible is key.
1) Communicate - yes, but be polite in your honesty... many people after being married for a long time have a way of becoming cruel to each other and them justify it by being ';honest';.... You can have candor with compasion.

2) ALWAYS remember to have a sense of humor. Think REALLY hard about how big an issue truely is before starting (or adding to) a big blow up about it. Learn to not need to be ';right'; all the time. Much of the time being ';right'; and being happy are mutually exclusive in a marriage.

3) YES THIS IS A SERIOUS PART - no joke.... put HIM before anyone else in your world. You do NOT need to worship the ground he walks on, nor be his slave, but you side with him over your girlfriends, over your sister, over your mother.... get it. The PRIMARY relationship in the house is the marriage.... the kids are second.

This does not mean you neglect the kids, but do NOT allow them to become the focus of your marriage. They will grow and leave you one day (hopefully), then what happens to the marriage if its all about the kids? Not to mention that men will tend to resent the children if you do this (Hey ain't saying its right - but its the truth!)

4) Say YES to sex more often than you feel like or more often that you think you NEED to. YUP - this is a BIG one. Look at it this way... you can ALWAYS find a reason to NOT have sex, just like you can always find an excuse TO have it. Find ways TO have it. Otherwise, you might as well tell your man, ';You are unimportant to me.'; or ';You are important right behind the kids, my family, the groceries, my sleep, etc....'; You get the picture. I'm not saying you must throw down whenever he wants - but you MUST make it a priority over time. And for God's sake - when you do have sex..... be an active and interested partner. If whatever he's doing (or not doing) is not working for you - provide gentle and encouraging guidance.... like another poster stated - we cannot read minds.

Best of luck to you...
well I have been married five years and the best advise I have hear is choose to loose fights for the better of your family...choose not to continue the strife of an argument and then forgive forgive forgive...they aren't always the most fabulous person but neither are you. you already have kids so go for it and just keep pressing on for the common goal of a life shared
Choose wisely, treat kindly!

Read Dr. Laura's book ';The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage';

She is a huge advocate for marriage and children and two-parent homes.
Communication, SEX, and don't fight over money!
Honesty, integrity, communication; I repeat communication... And remember that they can't read our minds or hints we throw at'em.

We really do have to spell it out for them. If we want something from them- we have to tell them what and when and how.

Give him the same consideration you would your best girlfriend.
Why did u have THREE children out of wedlock?

You should have married after the first!


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