Don't do it!
Just kidding. What do you need advice about?Who's married? Any advice...?
I have been married 3 times, and this third time is the best. I have learned from my other two. Communication is a most!!! Always cherish the little things that you do for each other. I can say I love my husband, and I feel his love for me when he not here. Good LuckWho's married? Any advice...?
It's not worth:
the aggravation,
the fights,
the sharing of expenses,
pointing out each other's defects
It's just not worth it. Take it from someone who used to be a hard-core romantic, now turned into a disenchanted dissapointed woman by: (yup, you guessed it) marriage.
Soil your oats before you get married, if you dont your gonna do it when your married and you will get caught.
I'm married - what kind of advice do you seek?
Spend quality time together regularly, this is more important than what you can buy with money.
Nurture intimacy, be honest, keep communication good and be there for another when times are both good and bad.
Just love each other and trust each other.
Good luck.
Advice? on marriage? well, let each person be themselves, don't try to control the other, and discuss what you both want BEFORE you take the plunge, also, don't forget...when you marry, what's yours...what's now OURS.
Don't be selfish and don't allow her to be selfish either.
Marriage is the major cause of Advice from me is : Your spouse should be treated like they are the most important person in the world. You should treat them that way because they are...Honesty, loyalty, and most of all love her as you love yourself. If she loves you enough to marry you, treat her this way and she will be the best friend you ever had...That's a promise....
If she cooks, what ever it is or how bad it is tell her its good. Spend time with your kids and your wife. Try to keep her happy in bed. When she ask you to do something do it and most of all tell her you appreciate her and show her you appreciate her
Advice on what? Being married?
Pay your bills. Don't lose your job. Live in a good neighborhood as you can afford. Don't waste money on frills, and dinner out.
Save. Have car insurance. Don't blow money partying or gambling.
there is no contract to assure you're marriage is going to last but thats why there is love and trust if these 2 are being put out on the table than there a big possibilitie that the 2 of u are gonna last a long time. let me give u a heads up my husband and i married at 15 and 17 i had my 1st kid at 16x and 2nd at 20 and we had cheating problems which is the worst trust issue but we grew up together and went through alot and we now love each other more and trust each other alot and we know and want to make it work ... don't worry man u just married ure gonna have these worries but always remember to try harder than the other person besides u have kids and thats gonna make u stronger....
yes, learn how to say ';yes dear'; to everything and u do just fine..
I have been married for over 25 years and I am still deeply and passionately in love with my husband. What is the secret of our success? I think we both have the understanding that love between and man and woman is not a 50/50 proposition. It requires 100% from both sides. However, we are just human and there have been plenty of times down through the years that one of us would not or could not contribute a complete 100% for whatever reason, but because there other one did, the marriage stayed intact.
Also, you need to realize that there will always be temptations, and passion between you will come and go and come back again and again. You just have to decide with your brain that you are going to be committed to your marriage and not give in to 'feelings'. The payoff in the long run is tremendous.
what do you need advice on???? im married but if you dont aska specific question no one can answer.
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