Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ok, im getting married and i need some advice...?

im a guy, but my future wife doesnt know where to look either... please answer these questions:

a good idea to have a friend do the flower arrangments?

if we have our wedding at the church, is it a good idea to have the reception somewhere else?

how much money can i expect to spend? (an average would be fine)

i have more questions, but those are a start for me.Ok, im getting married and i need some advice...?
1. Only use the friend if they are reliable and willing to listen to what you want for your arrangements, otherwise this could lead to last minute panic later down the track.

2. You usually have the reception at a different location from the church (ie restaurant, function hall, garden, etc)

3. How much you spend on a wedding really depends on how much you can afford and what style you are wanting. I have done Weddings for as little as $5000 or a lot more. Talk about a budget with your fiance.Ok, im getting married and i need some advice...?
It IS a good idea to have a friend do the floral arrangements. My friend did mine. The biggest advantage is that a friend knows your personality and can make suggestions you wouldnt think of.

As far as having the reception elsewhere, youd have to ask your church leaders if you can even host a reception there. Some do not allow it.

If youre worried about how much money youll spend, check out ebay or amazon for books on the subject (How to have a wedding for 5k or less or something like that). Also, look for reception places that offer package deals. Some places offer everything (DJ, limo, ceremony, flowers, etc) for one price. They just limit the number of guests.

If you know of any upcoming bridal showcases in your town, I would suggest attending a few. Check your local hotel. Its a great way to see whats out there. Many vendors offer discounts if you book at a show too. If you attend a few showcases, youll be able to interact with a lot of vendors and pick and choose. Take price sheets and brochures home to compare.
1. Only if you have seen your friends flower arrangements and like them.

2. If you want to have alchohol at the reception it is a good idea to have the recpetion elsewhere.

3. the average wedding costs anywhere from $5,000-$10,000. There are ways of cutting coests, I hope that has helped.
churches usually don't allow alcohol for receptions....just depends what you are looking for.

Your friend doing the flowers depends if they are professional or again what you are looking for.

Money to spend depends on what you want and how many people.

Looks to me like you might could use a wedding planner.
here are some wedding ideas you have not thought of, your future wife too - seriously both of you need to see this site


this is the kind of wedding I had.. and no regrets..
It is almost impossible to give you an amount because he reception cost depends on how many people you're inviting what kind of food you're serving, if you're using caterers or having the family cook it all, the location (New York costs more than Minot, ND)...impossible to even give you an

';average';. Sure a friend can do floral arrangements - if they are dependable, but sometimes a local florist doing moderate arrangements costs less than reimbursing a friend for expenses if that friend is buying materials at Michael's and doesn't have a wholesale account for flowers. In small towns it is usually cheaper to have the reception at the church hall but, surprisingly, in our city , when we went to book the adjacent hall and started to add up all the extras we had to rent, it turned ut to be cheaper to use a lovely golf course reception hall whic h had everything all-included. We are being very careful, and live in a large city, 5 bridesmaids, 5 groomsmen, buffet dinner for 110 plus ice carving and bar and deejay, and we're spending over $22,000.
if you don't have a lot of money have a celerant do the service ,pick a favourite spot in a park etc ,close friends and simple food , it doesn't mean your not in love not to be married in a church and god bless you both
it麓s definately not a bad idea to have a friend do the flower arrangements, you and your fiancee can tell him what you want... i get married in july and I麓m not spending tons because people in my church are giving me great support with video, pictures, food, church decoration, invitations, and pretty much everything else, all I麓m buying is my fiancee麓s dress, plane tickets for her parents to be here and my tuxedo rental, you should go and ask for support my man, there麓s nothing wrong with that, plus your real friends will be honored to participate...
if in doubt about the friends ability on the flower arrangement ask if she would show you what she would do...

You may be surprised and love what the friend comes up with.

It depends on where you want the reception. If the church has a place it is usually cheaper to do it there but if you like another place. Find out how much it will take. The cost depends on where you will have the wedding service and where you will have the reception and most of all how many you are inviting... What you are serving at the reception. Like finger food or a meal..

Good Luck and Congradulations
It can get a little awkward using friends for big things like flowers - though there is no reason you can't. Just make sure you keep that side of it purely business so that no one's feelings get too hurt if things don't pan out exactly like everyone wants!

Usually you wouldn't have a reception at a church - as far as I know! Unless you were to use a hall at the church (if it has one) - then you would have to organise catering and the rest. Otherwise look for a nearby restaurant and get ideas of prices and style of food.

Weddings can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $100,000 - it really depends on you and your fiance! Mine cost under $15,000 for 80 guests. I would suggest this is a good - average cost for a nice wedding that isn't too extravegant.

Make yourself a budget and go from there. And be realistic with the costs - you don't want to go into debt - and you don't want to miss out on little things that you could have afforded. Try and remember to include in your costs a space for 'unexpected' expenses - as they always crop up!
Hi and congratulations!

(1) Good idea to have a friend do the flower arrangements?

Answer: Yes, if he/she knows what they are doing! If they are experienced...then, yes, fine.

(2) Yes, the reception is usually at another location. Although many couples do have a reception at the church in the Fellowship Hall (if one is available.) However, most couples have a reception at a hotel or banquet facility.

(3) The average price of a wedding in the U.S. is $25,000.

You can still have a nice wedding for thousands less, though.
hi, first of all congrats on finding the perfect girl for you! marriage is a wonderful journey and i wish you a perfect one!

so, friends doing your flowers, if its done as a gift that's wonderful as you aren't spending a penny and you never complain about a gift, but if you are paying her to do them it can often lead to hard feelings and fractured friendships. if you hire a florist and they don't do what you want you can go and complain and argue and walk away. you can't really do that with a friend, oh sure you can complain and argue but you can't walk away.........so think about that very carefully. and that goes with a friend doing any work for you at any time. not just flowers for a wedding.

if your church has a hall and you can make use of it for your reception, why not? it is generally far less expensive than renting a hall or hotel ballroom.

as for the cost of a wedding, you should be able to have a nice wedding with approximately 100 guests for five thousand dollars. but it varies wildly depending on numbers, reception, etc.

good luck with it all and happy wedding!
$ is relative, it depends on what you want and how much of the work you are willing to put in. If the church has a nice area there is no reason you can't have the reception there, but be aware that you won't be able to ANY alcohol, but it will probably be cheaper that way. It also depends on if you want to serve meals or just do a snack thing... decide and then set the time of your wedding. If you chose an evening wedding you should serve dinner, if you just want them to snack and kick it for awhile an early afternoon wedding (1ish). The dress can and probably will be the largest single expense, shop around now, check out sales and even thrift/second hand stores... you might find a treasure. Set a budget and go from there. If you have any more questions you can email me.
Well I think the Church is a great idea, Also the reception should be something you both you and your loved one, love to do... just think a little and it will come to you... Ask her what she thinks... Thanks -Eric
First of all, congratulations! I am making my own bouquets and a friend is doing the arrangements with flowers from:


It saves money and as long as your friend has talent and reliability there should be no problem.

As long as the ceremony and reception sites are fairly close (within a few miles of each) then having them separate is fine.

As for a budget, that depends on the wedding vision you two have, and what tastes apply.

My wedding budget is $5,000, so I have a few tricks up my sleeve =} Perhaps they'll help you with your questions and planning...

Here are a few of my money-saving tricks:

Wedding dress: I found a beautiful gown at http://www.groupusa.com/ for a little more than $300 (my splurge). They have beautiful gowns by wonderful designers from affordable to extravagent.

*Try places like GroupUSA, David's Bridal, and even eBay for knockout deals.

Bridal Jewelry: I found my crystal wedding jewelry at no other than Wal Mart. Originally I had been looking at genuine jewelry from big name stores, but decided to scrimp here to save money for the wedding gifts my fiance' and I plan to get each other.

*Don't forget retail sortes like Wal Mart and Target. My headpiece, earrings, and necklace by Crystal Collections came to $21.

Wedding location: I have four choices, a lovely place on the property of a family friend (I really want it to be there, if they agree to it), an that has 450 acres and a lovely ceremony maze and full wedding package, a church that has a SMALL fee and goes well with my wedding style, or on the mountain where my grandparents' grew up, married, and live.

*Look for unconventional venues; they'll be cheaper or even free.

Reception Site: I have two options here, one of which is the brand new mansion-style library in our town. It would cost only $199 ($100 refundable damage deposit, and $40 for a library worker to stay on site). The other would be our local arts building of the town center. They have several large and beautiful rooms and are roughly the same amount as the library.

*The same rule for venues applies here.

Caterer: My friends and family are fabulous cooks, and are going to provide a buffet-style meal for the wedding guests.

*Friends and family can really cut down on wedding expenses!

Cake: A friend of my fiance' and I is a cake baker, and would only charge us the price of the ingredients.

*If you don't have anyone who can provide this. Go for a two or three tier cake, and then have sheet cakes to cut for the bulk of the guests. That way you end up saving several hundred dollars. You can also have a two-tier cake, serving that only to wedding party, parents, and grandparents and serve guests with a cupcake tower.

Flowers: I am making my own bouquets. Flowers for a 30-stem wedding bouquet, toss bouqet, and six 20-stem bridesmaid bouquets would only run $40 before shipping costs from http://www.theflowerexchange.com. I am having a family friend do the arrangements for a fraction of the cost.

*Do as much as you can on your own!

Invitations: You can purchase nice paper, envelopes, and an emblam, and an ink cartridge and make your own for about $50. OR you could go to http:///www.invitationsbydawn.com

I'm getting 100 invitations for $64.95 (by the time the envelopes, etc are included it will be $107)

*Instead of $250-$350! Do what you can on your own, or look for budget-conscience resources like the one above.

DJ: My fiance's brother is a DJ, and will save us $975 by doing the reception as a wedding gift.

*If you don't have someone like this, consider cutting the cost by having premade CDs of the music you want, and have someone man the player.

Another tip, don't go for costly favors for the guests--most just throw them away--instead get glass vases and fill them with candy in your wedding colors, making an affordable (and memorable) candy buffet. Be sure to provide little bags. Have your bridesmaids' pay for their dress and shoes, and have a family friend who's good with hair or makeup help with that on the wedding day. Be sure to get them nice gifts!

If your attendants are on a budget, go to a place like http://ww.groupusa.com for dress ideas. My attendants dresses cost $119 each, and they're something they can wear again and again.

GO TO http://www.theknot.com It has everything you could ever need. Also get these books: Wedding Planning for Dummies, The Knot's Guide to Wedding Planning, and Priceless Weddings for Under $5,000. Your local library should have at least one of them.

Good luck!
Make money asking and answering questions like this at MyLot: http://www.mylot.com/?ref=khakigirl
If your friend is a florist and will give you a good deal on flower arrangements then definitely get a quote from her on how much it will cost as well as a couple of others. If you are looking to save money, then having your reception at the church would be a good way to do this. However, most churches do not allow alcohol at all. If you are having a reception at the church with just punch and cake then it might be around $2500 for everything depending on what your church costs. Mine is $1000 just for the ceremony. If you are going to have your reception somewhere other than the church with food and alcohol, I think you are looking at a minimum of $50 per person (heavy hors d-eouvres, beer, and wine). If you go with the seated dinner it will be even higher depending on whether or not you hire an outside caterer for the reception. Outside caterers seem to be cheaper than when the reception site caters. However, both will probably have a food purchase minimum. I hope this helps!
1. Unless your friend is a florist or has a significant amount of experience doing wedding arrangements, do not have them do the arrangement. Having friends participate in your wedding this way can put you into a difficult position. If you don't like it, it can be hard to tell them and most people have specific ideas. Therefore it is hard to convince them that their way is not best for you.

2. It is nice to have your reception somewhere else if you are having your wedding at a church. Most churches do not provide elegant facilities for a reception. But it is dependent on your church.

3. The price of your wedding it dependent mostly on the number of people you have. Smaller weddings, in general will cheaper. And it also depends on when and where you want your wedding. Week nights and Friday nights are generally cheaper than Saturdays. And open bars drive up the price. It also depends on what city your in. If you visit websites like theknot.com, it can give you information about venues and help you with a budget.
stay faithful and always put your family first.

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