Thursday, August 19, 2010

Advice please. I am having an affair with a married woman who I love.?

I don't want my wife to find out but I think he may because she is the sister of my lovers husband who are infact Siamesse twins

Which religion should I join so that I can love this woman and divorce my husband and whose god will be the most understanding.

ThanksAdvice please. I am having an affair with a married woman who I love.?
Really bad troll attempt.Advice please. I am having an affair with a married woman who I love.?
There is no religion which will condone this behavior. You've come to Y!A so I'm going to tell you that spiritual life needs to take priority over emotional life and certainly over carnal life. You don't come to a site for religion and spiritual life and ask how to ignore religion and spiritual life so you can commit emotional and carnal sin....or if you do, you can't possibly get an answer you can use....for what you want. The name of this site is religion and spirituality---not sin and emotionalism. You'll never be able to justify this, in any way. Better to quit now.
woah! let me get this straight, your wife is the sister of your lover's husband?

what you are saying is: you have a brother in law, who's married. your brother in law's wife, AKA your sister in-law-in-law is your lover? It's Affine Incest! CREEPY!!!

what the hell is wrong with you?

who is the siamese twin? you pluralize halfway through your statement which makes your writing unintelligible. okay, to be honest, we live in a world that depends on clarity of grammar. If i wrote something garbled like you did, would you expect to understand it?

ok, and on another note, i don't know whose god would be understanding of your situation. You might consider Islam or the the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints, where you can be a polygamist but i don't think your friends and family would appreciate a radical change in religion to rationalize your behavior. also, going to hell is the least of your worries.
I suggest that you just abandon religion and believe in nothing so that you can do what you want to do.

Why involve God is this mess?

Your wife and brother-in-law cannot be siamese twins.
Out of curiosity, where are they connected?
I do not think there is one.Every religion I know of thinks your are a troll.
How you tried Anglican? It was founded on this sort of thing.
What you wife is a she who is he?
your a troll wannabe -- not even a real troll
go on Jerry Springer..he will sort this whole thing out for you.
They're connected at the shoe laces I bet :)
Oh my god. How 'bout the keep it in your pants religion?

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